Even though Minnesota will become the 12th
state in the nation to legalize same sex marriage later this week, the
state and the nation owe a great deal to a marriage that happened 42
years ago towards furthering the cause of marriage equality.
In 1971, Jack Baker and Michael McConnell were wed in Minneapolis in the first recorded, in more
ways than one, same sex marriage ceremony.
The couple caused a controversy back then as the video of their
marriage landed on WCCO's broadcast two years after, and later their
marriage was declared illegal by Minnesota's Supreme Court. However,
even though their married status was nullified, the couple back then
predicted that equality would eventually happen.
And as of midnight on Wednesday, they'll be proven right.
In a fitting development, Jack and Michael aren't going to get married this week, because, in their words, they already are.
What an example of the perseverance of love and the progress we've made as a country! Congrats to Minnesota, and to Jack and Michael!
Ch-ch-check out the inspiration video of the United States first documented same sex marriage…AFTER THE JUMP!!!
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